Employment Attorney Shannon Finley Selected as Affiliate Governor for California Women Lawyers
Pettit Kohn Ingrassia Lutz & Dolin is proud to announce that Employment Attorney Shannon R. Finley has been selected to serve on the California Women Lawyers Board of Governors as the 2019-2020 Affiliate Governor for Lawyers Club of San Diego. She was sworn in September 20, 2019 by the Chief Justice of the California Supreme Court, Tani Cantil-Sakauye, at the organization’s Annual Dinner in Sacramento.
California Women Lawyers is a statewide bar association for women in California. They promote the advancement of women in the legal profession and are advocates for the concerns of women in society. They have represented the interests of more than 70,000 women in all facets of the legal profession, influencing lawyers, educators, students and judges.
For more information on California Women Lawyers, please visit their website: https://www.cwl.org/
San Diego Lawyers Club is a California Women Lawyers affiliate and is a specialty bar association founded in 1972 dedicated to advancing the status of women in law and society. With over 1300 members, Lawyers Club members include private and public attorneys, managing partners, judicial officers, US Attorneys, community leaders, law students and other members of the San Diego legal community.
For more information on Lawyers Club San Diego, please visit their website: https://www.lawyersclubsandiego.com/